Project Overview
This portfolio is meticulously crafted using standard web technologies:
- HTML5: For semantic and accessible content structure
- CSS3: To create responsive and visually appealing designs
- JavaScript: For interactive features enhancing user experience
Cloud Infrastructure
The website is deployed using Amazon Web Services (AWS), leveraging several services to ensure optimal performance and reliability:
- Amazon S3: Utilized for secure and scalable static website hosting
- Amazon CloudFront: Configured as a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for global content distribution
- Amazon Route 53: Managed for Domain Name System (DNS) services
- AWS IAM: Implemented for fine-grained access control
Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
To maintain seamless updates and integration, the project employs CI/CD pipelines:
- GitHub Actions: Automated workflows for continuous integration and deployment
- Custom Scripts: Developed for code linting, testing, and deployment automation
Documentation and Version Control
As a Senior Technical Writer, I emphasize the importance of clear documentation and version control:
- Markdown: All project documentation is written in Markdown, promoting a doc-as-code principle
- Git: Version control with structured branching strategy
Unique Perspective
My background in both development and technical writing provides me with a unique perspective, enabling me to bridge the gap between developers and end-users. This dual expertise ensures the creation of comprehensive, user-centric documentation that enhances customer self-service capabilities.